5 Simple Holiday Cleaning Tips from Babs Costello, ‘The Internet’s Grandma’

If Babs has a cleaning hack, there's no doubt I'll try it!

Ah, the holidays. The time of year we gather with loved ones to share unbeatable family recipes and celebrate the season. Leading up to the holidays, it can take hours, or even days, to complete a full holiday cleaning checklist. Then, not long after, there’s another mess: the inevitable cleanup after the party. Whether you’re hosting or simply on cleanup duty, the aftermath can feel like an endless parade of tidying up.

That’s where “everyone’s grandmother,” aka Babs Costello, saves the day. Because, of course she does! 74-year old TikTok sensation @brunchwithbabs) has share all types of household hacks, in and out of the kitchen. Her tips cut our pumpkin carving time in half this Halloween. Now, let’s say goodbye to pesky water rings and stains after Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, the Babs way.

5 Tricks to Help Clean Up After Your Guests

“Are you planning any holiday get-togethers?” Babs asks. If so, follow these holiday cleaning tips that are fully grandma-approved.

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Remove water rings with mayonnaise

It can be a pain to constantly remind guests to use a coaster. And, let’s face it, water rings on surfaces during a gathering are inevitable. Babs tells us not to sweat it. Just grab a couple paper towels and dab some mayonnaise on the water ring. Yes, mayonnaise! Don’t clean it up right away. Instead, leave the paper towel over the stain for a few hours or as long as overnight. Then apply furniture cleaner for extra polish. Voila, stain be gone.

One commenter endorsed the trick, saying the water ring “was gone in the morning” after leaving the mayo overnight. I’m adding this to my go-to cleaning hacks, immediately.

Get rid of red wine stains with white wine

It’s devastating to see red wine stains on the carpet. Luckily, Babs works her magic by removing the stain with…white wine! Babs advises pouring “just enough to cover” directly onto the stain before blotting with a clean cloth or paper towels. If the stain persists, sprinkle baking soda on top. Let it sit for five minutes, vacuum it up and blot again. Finish with dish detergent and water-soaked paper towels.

Bonus: This trick also works on tablecloths!

Hand-wash wine glasses for a spotless finish

Save dishwasher space “and get the glasses spotless,” Babs says. First, wash and dry the glasses individually rather than loading them into the dishwasher. Put the glasses in warm soapy water and hand wash to get the rims nice and clean. Sanitize glasses by draining the sink, refilling it with warm water and adding 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Soak the glasses for around five minutes, then rinse and dry.

Use a cheap homemade surface cleaner

Put your spotless wine glasses on spotless surfaces! Babs shares this recipe for homemade surface cleaner: “two parts water to one part white vinegar, [and] stir,” before pouring into a spray bottle. Spray the cleaner onto paper towels or a clean cloth and make your surfaces dazzle.

Keep your floor mop clean

Before you mop, Babs says to wrap a paper towel around your mop head and spray it with a cleaner of choice. (Babs uses Viva paper towels and her own homemade cleaner.) Mop away!

In Babs’ Instagram comments, one fan says, “I want to come to Babs and Mr. Babs house for the next party!” And with holiday cleaning tips like these, we can’t help but agree!

Jessica Kaplan
Jessica Kaplan creates trend content for Taste of Home. When it comes to all things food news, she's an expert. Jessica has previously written lifestyle content for Reader’s Digest, Family Handyman and The Healthy. These days, she loves trying out the latest TikTok recipes and exploring New York eateries and coffee shops.